
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What I've Seen . . .

People say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
But what do those words mean to a survivor who has just lost their entire family?
Does the orphan care? Does the widow feel uplifted?
I’ve seen children torn from their mothers, and wives separated from husbands,
Numerous lives upturned by the whims of others.
In the end, do they feel stronger?

I’ve seen families reunited,
Bonding together with loyalty and love, fighting for a common good.
Showing the world the beauty of their dignity and self-sacrifice.

I’ve seen homes destroyed, the weak plowed under, helpless in defense, treated as dogs.
Cultures lost to eternity. Never to see their moment in the sun again.
I’ve seen people die fighting for what they thought was right,
Only to have the following generation throw away what was so soundly earned.

I’ve seen people struggle to within an inch of their life,
Straining every fiber of their being simply to live. To press forward.
Desperate to make a better world for their children.
Desperate to pass on what they found so endearing from their own parents.

I’ve seen people driven to rage over beautiful things we now take for granted.
I’ve seen people grow beyond their wildest dreams, pushed to their brink to achieve the spectacular.

I’ve seen all this and more.
My name is Zammie Pineda, and I am a time traveler.

I've seen all this and more.
My name is Kyla Reynoso.
And I am a time traveler.

Time Trip: Killing for Country
Now available at Amazon